Dan has had a very dynamic experience since graduating from Washington and Lee.
After receiving an MA in Education and Philosophy at the University of Cambridge in 2002, Dan has traveled extensively and worked in in Belgium, Nasheville, and Los Angeles. Presently, he lives in Washington D.C., and he is the CEO of Bigsight Media Group.

A recent graduate himself, Dan has a lot of advice for W&L students about to enter the job market:
1) Take your time. Dan suggests that students should not take their new job prospects too seriously. Recent graduates can afford to take a few years pursuing different interests; they have a lot of time. Dan says, “Never be afraid to spend a couple of years just working at a surf shop if that’s something you want to do.”
2) Don’t worry too much about money. Dan admits that his personal finances have been through both the highs and the lows. But this isn’t a problem. Even if your pockets are empty, as long as you’re doing something productive and getting a good experience, you can ensure that you earn it back. Never be afraid to take a risk; it might be of benefit in the future.
3) Spend a few years away from W&L. It’s very tempting to graduate and move directly into one of the hotbeds of W&L alumni. Dan suggests students take a couple of years off before reimersing themselves in everything W&L. There are a lot of different people and different experiences out there. Plus, the move into the W&L alumni community is a much easier transition after being away from it for a few years.

Dan offers a great message that is sometimes lost in Washington and Lee’s highly competitive environment. You shouldn’t expect to have your entire life planned out when you graduate. Experiment, pursue your interests, and don’t try to stick to a highly specific plan. You’ll never know just quite where you’ll end up, or what you’ll end up doing. Follow your intersts, work, take risks, figure it out, and keep learning. And at the same time remember that you are you and that you do have a lot of time to figure things out.
For more info on Dan, check his website at http://bigsight.org/dan_birdwhistell.