- May 19 - 25, 10:00 AM:
Senior Cap and Gown Pick-Up - May 3 - 26:
Senior Survey: Win $100 - May 26, 9:30 AM:
New Jersey Collegiate Career Day - May 10 - June 4:
Summer Experience Survey: Win $100
Monday, May 17, 2010
This Week in Career Services
Monday, March 29, 2010
This Week in Career Services (29 March)
The Selective Liberal Arts Consortium is hosting a virtual career fair open only to the students of the 14 SLAC schools. 29 available positions are currently listed.
Go to http://www.slaconsortium.org/stu/#Coast_to_Coast_Virtual_Fair_Ma for more information about submitting your resume.
Deadline is April 5.
March 25, 8:00 PM: Cookies, Coffee & Careers
March 29: Application Deadline: CAREER 15 Key Employer Panel
April 1, 12:15 PM: Ultimate Money Skills
April 6, 12:00 PM: Live Discussion with GEICO
April 7, 10:00 AM: Live Discussion with Ferguson Enterprises
For more information about each event, click on the links above.
March 29
+ Admissions Counselor, Washington and Lee University: Lexington, VA
+ VFIC Key Employer Panel Student Representatives, W&L Career Services: Charlottesville, VA
March 31
+ Associate Director, Georgetown Learning Centers: Washington, DC
+ Financial Advisor, Virginia Asset Management LLC: Richmond, VA
+ Summer Intern, SNL Financial: Charlottesville, VA
April 1
+ Elementary Faculty, St. Paul Christian Academy: Nashville, TN
April 2
+ Associate, Fortress Group Inc: Atlanta, GA
April 3
+ Camp Counselor, Camp Easter Seals: New Castle, VA
+ Editorial Intern/ New Media Intern, The Chronicle of the Horse: Middleburg, VA
+ Urban Education Fellowship, The Match School: Boston, MA
April 4
+ Commercial Real Estate Investment Sales Intern, Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Services: New York City, NY
+ April 5
Camp Counselor, Camp Horizons: Harrisonburg, VA
Go to https://wlu-csm.symplicity.com/students to access your W&L JobLink account to apply for these and other positions.
You can also find W&L JobLink and other resources at careers.wlu.edu.
+ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): 5 open positions located in Washington, D.C.
+ The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond: 6 open internships, with application deadlines ranging from March 31st to April 9th.
Go to www.career15.org to create an account and view these positions.
Monday, March 22, 2010
This Week in Career Services (22 March)
SLAC Coast-to-Coast Virtual Fair
The Selective Liberal Arts Consortium is hosting a virtual career fair open only to the students of the 14 SLAC schools. 26 available positions are currently listed. Go to http://www.slaconsortium.org/stu/#Coast_to_Coast_Virtual_Fair_Ma for more information about submitting your resume.
March 23, 12:30 PM:
Health Lawyer: First Do No Harm
March 25, 8:00 PM:
Cookies, Coffee & Careers
April 1, 12:15 PM:
Ultimate Money Skills
March 24
+ Executive Assistant, DRS Technologies: Various Locations Nationwide
+ Public Relations and Event Planning Internship, Brotman-Winter-Fried Communications: Falls Church, VA
March 25
+ Full-time Analyst, MCG Capital: Arlington, VA *The employer will select students for on-campus interviews taking place April 5.*
March 26
+ IT Specialist, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Washington, DC
March 29
+ Admissions Counselor, Washington and Lee University: Lexington, VA
+ VFIC Career 15 Key Employer Panel Student Representatives, Boar’s Head Inn: Charlottesville, VA
+ Stockbroker- Account Executive, DMG Securities: Great Falls, VA
+ Go to https://wlu-csm.symplicity.com/students to access your W&L JobLink account to apply for these and other positions.
+ You can also find W&L JobLink and other resources at careers.wlu.edu
Complete Online Survey for a Chance to Win $250 Amazon Gift Card
Even if you're not interested in financial services, J.P. Morgan is interested in hearing from you and invites you to fill out a brief survey – it should take no more than 10 minutes. By completing this survey, you will be eligible to win a $250 Amazon gift card.
Please note that responses will not be considered at an individual level and will not impact the application process or your relationship with J.P. Morgan. All responses are collated anonymously.
Please go to http://www.workcomms.com/surveys/jpmorgan/march2010-2/ to complete this survey by March 26, 2010.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Review of LinkUP Job Search Engine: Google for Jobs

As far as its usefulness for Washington and Lee students, LinkUP offers both disadvantages and advantages. Unfortunately, the searches reveal many positions that are out of graduating students’ range. There are many positions offered as Vice-Presidents, Managers, and Directors of departments or offices; these positions typically require sufficient work experience that graduating college students do not have. Nonetheless, the searches do pick up some good jobs that graduating seniors can compete for. Graduates’ jobs are not the central focus of this website, but they are there. Additionally, many internship opportunities appear on the website. While searches generate many job results, students can find this search engine helpful in finding summer or future employment.
Another benefit of the website is the great range of searchable locations and employment areas. The website allows students to confine their job searches to any number of specific cities or states, whereas other search websites such as SLAC confine their positions to a few large, metropolitan cities. Another benefit of so many search results is that a wide array of interests are represented, and students of any major and any career path will likely find some opportunities in their searches. The website is not as formal as most job websites, but it is also less confined; it allows students to make a more exhaustive search of the job market.
This Week in Career Services (15 March)
March 16, 10:00 AM: Intelligence Community Virtual Career Fair
March 16, 11:30 AM: Quick Questions in the Marketplace
March 16, 9:00 AM: Open House for Hertz Corporation
March 17, 12:30 PM: Chairman and CEO of The Martin Agency Visits W&L
For more information about each event, click on the links above.
March 15:
- JPMorgan Launching Leaders Experience 2010: New York City, NY
- JPMorgan Winning Women Experience 2010: New York City, NY
March 17:
- Secondary School Teachers, The Field School: Washington, DC
- Summer Leadership Program, Ernst & Young
March 18:
- Account Manager, Kforce Professional Staffing: Reston, VA
March 19:
- External Relations Intern, National Children’s Museum: Washington, DC
- Summer Intern, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA): New York/ Washington, DC
March 20:
- Business Internship, AH&T Insurance: Leesburg, VA
- Financial Representative Intern, Northwestern Mutual Financial Network: Various Virginia Locations
Go to https://bl2prd0102.outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=3975ba76bed24407865376413bd7839c&URL=https%3a%2f%2fwlu-csm.symplicity.com%2fstudents to access your W&L JobLink account to apply for these and other positions.
You can also find W&L JobLink and other resources at careers.wlu.edu.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Events for 11 March
March 11, 5:00 PM: The Value of a Liberal Arts Degree: Spotlight on History
March 11, 8:00 PM: Cookies, Coffee, and Careers
From the Alumni Office Blog: "A warm fuzzy on a chill day"
“'Just wanted to send you a quick email about how great the alumni network has been for me so far. Internships are terrible to find for the summer after 1L year especially in this economy. I sent some letters to a bunch of firms in January and went through career services here at Wake some. Just about everyone has sent me back letters saying that they don’t take 1Ls. Which, let me tell you, is very stressful.
Then I decided I’d go through Colonnade Connections and email W&L alums in different areas with my resume to see if they had anything. They have been WONDERFUL! People have either called me about interning for them, emailed me about it or sent my resume to their career department. Even those who are in firms that aren’t taking summer interns have been great and said they would pass around my resume at other places or have offered to call to discuss the legal field in their area or take me to lunch when I came through. I’m just really impressed with W&L and how helpful colonnade connections has been and with the alums. It’s just made this entire internship experience so much better. Where before it was faceless firms, this has made me feel cared about. I just wanted to say thanks for making the alunni network great and yay for Washington and Lee. Best school EVER.'
~ by Washington and Lee Alumni Office on February 9, 2010.
Posted in Alumni Office."
Friday, March 5, 2010
Lessons to be gleamed from a college job fair...
A recent article on an Ithaca job fair detailed a similar attitude among its graduating class (http://theithacan.org/am/publish/news/201003_College_hosts_job_and_internship_fair.shtml). Yet jobs are available, and those in the know are imploring graduating seniors to put in the extra effort and find work:
John Fracchia, associate director of Career Services, said the employer turnout was
“average” compared to other years but still large considering the state of the economy.
“One of the things we’re trying to get students to understand, particularly seniors and
graduating students, is that there are still jobs,” he said. “You [have to] use your networking
resources, but the economy hasn’t ground to a halt.”
It is extremely rare for a job to fall into your lap. Finding employment requires time, committment, research, networking, and an unrelenting seach. Applying to one or two positions will not do, and students must apply to numerous firms, for numerous jobs if they are serious about finding work. The job market is not doing well now, and it is a difficult task to find work, but idleness only makes the task more difficult. Further, resignation to failure or hopelessness conveys a negative attitude that will repulse employers. Maintain a positive, forward thinking attitude, and do what needs to be done to secure your future.
The FBI is Hiring

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
USAJobs.gov - "Working for America"

- http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/05/12/business/econwatch/entry5007862.shtml
- http://www.kiplinger.com/columns/starting/archive/2006/st0713.htm
- http://www.maggiemistal.com/blog/ready-work-uncle-sam-government-careers-and-how-land-them.htm
The government is hiring (with a surge in employment of workers in their 20's), and these jobs hold important future potential as 44% of the civil service looks set to retire in the next five years.
USAJobs.gov offers a very easy setup to find and land these government jobs. The website offers an easy-to-use search feature, detailed job descriptions and qualifications, and resources for application. Additionally, you can post your resume to USAJobs.gov, and it will show up in government agencies' search results - offering another way for employers to find you. There are many openings, and application deadlines close all the time, so be punctual and get those applications in.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Apply for Positions at the CIA

Monday, January 25, 2010
More Women Going to Business School
" ... As women reach parity with men in law and medical schools, their enrollment rates at business schools remain stubbornly low. The Graduate Management Admissions Council, which administers the GMAT entrance exam, said 39 percent of its test-takers in December were women. That's an improvement of two percentage points since 2002.
The reasons aren't surprising. At a recent recruitment event in New York for prospective female MBAs, members of an alumnae panel said they faced the same challenges in business school that they later faced in the corporate world: outsider status, difficulties balancing career goals and family and pressure to prove themselves.
Women are enrolling in medical and law schools in much greater numbers: 47 percent of law school students are women and they now make up 49 percent of medical school students... "
From http://www.womensradio.com/articles/Business-Schools-Sweeten-Lures-for-Women-/4355.html
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Questioning Grad School...