Monday, January 25, 2010

More Women Going to Business School

" ... As women reach parity with men in law and medical schools, their enrollment rates at business schools remain stubbornly low. The Graduate Management Admissions Council, which administers the GMAT entrance exam, said 39 percent of its test-takers in December were women. That's an improvement of two percentage points since 2002.

The reasons aren't surprising. At a recent recruitment event in New York for prospective female MBAs, members of an alumnae panel said they faced the same challenges in business school that they later faced in the corporate world: outsider status, difficulties balancing career goals and family and pressure to prove themselves.

Women are enrolling in medical and law schools in much greater numbers: 47 percent of law school students are women and they now make up 49 percent of medical school students... "


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Questioning Grad School...

Seniors with uncertain futures in the job market have likely grown weary of hearing the phrase, "well, there's always grad school." As students complete their GRE's, LSAT's, MCAT's, CPA's, and so on, they should consider whether or not grad school will really pay off in the long-run.
For more, please read the linked article:

Changing Student Loans

Federal Government to Cut Private Lenders out of Student Loans