Wednesday, March 10, 2010

From the Alumni Office Blog: "A warm fuzzy on a chill day"

On 9 February 2010, the Washington and Lee Alumni Office the below e-mail accounting one alum's networking experiences (this should be useful advice for anyone currently searching for employment):

“'Just wanted to send you a quick email about how great the alumni network has been for me so far. Internships are terrible to find for the summer after 1L year especially in this economy. I sent some letters to a bunch of firms in January and went through career services here at Wake some. Just about everyone has sent me back letters saying that they don’t take 1Ls. Which, let me tell you, is very stressful.

Then I decided I’d go through Colonnade Connections and email W&L alums in different areas with my resume to see if they had anything. They have been WONDERFUL! People have either called me about interning for them, emailed me about it or sent my resume to their career department. Even those who are in firms that aren’t taking summer interns have been great and said they would pass around my resume at other places or have offered to call to discuss the legal field in their area or take me to lunch when I came through. I’m just really impressed with W&L and how helpful colonnade connections has been and with the alums. It’s just made this entire internship experience so much better. Where before it was faceless firms, this has made me feel cared about. I just wanted to say thanks for making the alunni network great and yay for Washington and Lee. Best school EVER.'

~ by Washington and Lee Alumni Office on February 9, 2010.
Posted in Alumni Office."