This should be the bible for college students preparing to enter the job market. Reeves’ book covers every topic imaginable, and leaves no questions unanswered. Published in 2009, the book is perfectly up-to-date (although I imagine new editions will be necessary as social norms evolve) and especially appropriate for young 20-year-olds. Reeves’ qualifications are exceptional, but her personal experience in the job search process is even more valuable; an eduaction and job in the Ivy Leagues does not prevent her from writing in a witty, understandable, and relatable language. Furthermore, Reeves does not simply offer general suggestions for dealing with searching, networking, resumes and cover letters, interviewing, etc. She provides speficic examples, templates, and phrasing that are realistic and practical, and is certainly a LOT of information packed into 200 pages, but the subject index in the back eliminates wasting time flipping through pages looking for a specific topic. I have not come across a better guide to tackling today’s intimidating job market and I would highly recommend the purchasing – and promotion – of thsi book for all W&L students!