BA History and Philosophy
Where did you intern this summer?
I split my summer interning at two law firms in Newport News, VA, and Birmingham, AL.
How did you find these internships?
I got a head start on my summer plans last year, and I put in a lot of work in Fall Term networking and improving my resume. I knew some alums and family friends who were attorneys; I went ahead and called them about their firms, talked to them about what they did, expressed my interest, and asked if they knew of any summer opportunities. I sent my resume to two of the firms, and they both offered me a 4-6 week internship over the summer. My uncle told me it would be best to do both, so I did.
What was your typical day like?
I would come into the office, check my e-mail, and get to work on any of the projects the attorneys assigned me. Of course, every day was different, so sometimes I would end up driving around picking up court documents or sitting in on depositions and civil trials. There was a good amount of work but also a lot of observation.
What was your most interesting project?
At one of the firms I had to prepare a notebook of evidence for the expert witness. The project was for a W&L alum, and it involved a lot of business documents. When I mentioned that I was a liberal arts major and not the biggest business expert, he simply replied “Well, most attorneys aren’t, and this project is going to require you to make some judgment calls. It’s all in English, though, so you can handle it.” I went back to work and completed the project. He was impressed with the work, and it turned out to be a great experience being given that kind of responsibility and judgment as an undergraduate intern.
What advice do you have for others seeking internships?
Start early, and complete your search ahead of time; it’ll increase your chances of getting an internship, and it will make the process a bit saner.
What were the other highlights of your summer experiences?
While I was in Newport News I got to go sailing with a partner in the firm and a bunch of family friends each Wednesday and Sunday.