Accounting & Business Administration, American History
Where did you intern this summer?
Wachovia Bank NA, Raleigh, NC
How did you find this internship?
I contacted a family friend in Raleigh early in my internship search. I heard about the opportunity, and I sent my resume in.
How would your typical day go?
Arrive at 7:30-8 AM, and since very little of my job description was set in stone, I would essentially wait for instructions for my project(s) of the day. When projects were larger in scale, I would resume them when I got to work in the morning. About 2 days a week I would work on college campuses at orientation events signing up incoming students for Wachovia accounts.
What was your most interesting project?
An “Own the Downtown” Project in which I compiled a comprehensive list of businesses within a 4 block radius of our building in downtown Raleigh and then assigned Relationship Managers, Business, and Small Business bankers to each company depending on their size, industry, and previous relationships. Once a bank representative was assigned we attempted to gain as much business as possible from each of these companies surrounding us, ie to “Own the Downtown.”
What advice do you have for others seeking internships?
Get your name out there to as many people as you can. It’s the squeaky wheel that gets heard.
What were the other highlights of your summer experience?
I was lucky enough to attend a few “young professionals” networking events in Raleigh as well as some regional Wachovia quarterly meetings and a Raleigh board meeting.